In the News
Dan Catchpole of Clearing Up covers the latest and final element of our Net-Zero Northwest Study - state-specific clean energy workforce analyses for Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Dan Catchpole of Clearing Up covers the results of CETI's Net-Zero Northwest Workforce Regional Analysis.
Eileen spoke with Pete Danko of Portland Business Journal about CETI’s recent Net-Zero Northwest analysis that highlights the need for renewable buildout and transmission expansion in achieving net-zero emissions in the Northwest by 2050.
Eileen spoke with Dan Catchpole of Clearing Up about CETI’s recent Net-Zero Northwest analysis outlining technical and economic pathways to net-zero emissions in the Northwest. She explained how this analysis goes beyond CETI’s 2019 study and walked through the study’s key findings, including the critical role of electrification and how the Inflation Reduction Act changes the economics of various clean energy technologies. Clearing Up is a widely respected, subscription-only energy newsletter published by NewsData covering the greater Pacific Northwest.
Eileen spoke with Kale Williams of KGW8, the Portland, OR NBC Affiliate, about the recently released Net-Zero Northwest analysis describing the technical and economic pathways to replacing fossil fuel with clean energy in the Northwest region from now until 2050.
Journal staff at the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about CETI’s recent Net-Zero Northwest analysis, with a focus on critical actions in the building sector.
Eileen spoke with Monica Samayoa of Oregon Public Broadcasting about deep decarbonization pathways models that help policymakers understand how to achieve carbon emission reduction targets. She walked the reporter through Evolved Energy Research’s Clean Energy Pathways modeling for Oregon that CETI participated in along with GridLab and Renewable Northwest in 2021, which helped Oregon stakeholders understand how the state could remove carbon emissions from its electricity sector by 2040.
Eileen was quoted in InvestigateWest’s final article in its series, Getting to Zero: Decarbonizing Cascadia, about the urgency of acting now. She contributed to the list of 25 actions to pursue in 2022.
The Oregon Clean Energy Pathways study, a project that the Clean Energy Transition Institute engaged in with GridLab, Renewable Northwest, and Evolved Energy Research, was released on July 2, 2021. With this work, we modeled various carbon emission reduction targets as well as clean energy standards for a diverse group of policymakers while the Oregon legislative session was underway. Clearing Up discussed the results of the modeling on page 15. Clearing Up is a widely respected, subscription-only energy newsletter published by NewsData covering the greater Pacific Northwest.
Eileen was quoted in an InvestigateWest article about the need for decarbonized gas to power the electricity grid in the 2040s and 2050s during rare instances.
Eileen was interviewed in early January 2021 by Joleen Hughes for her podcast, The Lawyer Who Rocks, about her career path that led to her founding the Clean Energy Transition Institute.
Eileen was quoted in The Washington Post on the challenges of transitioning home appliances from natural gas and said that there are upfront costs to make the switch to electricity from fossil gas that must be addressed in order for decarbonization to take place.
Eileen and the Clean Energy Transition Institute are featured in the third of a series by the Seattle-based, nonprofit investigative journalism newsroom InvestigateWest called Getting to Zero: Decarbonizing Cascadia. This article explores the Clean Energy Transition Institute's technical analysis work in support of the Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy.
Founding Institute Board member Ross Macfarlane is quoted in this second article in a series called Getting to Zero: Decarbonizing Cascadia by the Seattle-based, nonprofit investigative journalism newsroom InvestigateWest, which documents the successful efforts to stop the use of Northwest regional ports to expand global fossil fuel trade between 2004-2017.
Eileen was interviewed by a reporter from The Washington Post for a story on the fires raging throughout the West. She was quoted on the smoke impacts in Washington, as well as how much sooner we are seeing climate change disruption than scientists had expected.
Eileen, along with Gabe Kwok of Evolved Energy Research, presented the findings of the Institute’s Northwest Deep Decarbonization Pathways Study to the Northwest Power Planning Council on August 13, 2019. KC Mehaffey of Clearing Up covered the Council meeting and wrote an in-depth analysis of the study. Clearing Up is a widely respected, subscription-only energy newsletter published by NewsData covering the greater Pacific Northwest.
Eileen was profiled by the Deutschland Alumniportal for a paper, Revolution Required: Meeting Current and Future Energy Challenges, she wrote and presentation she delivered in May 2015 in Hamburg, Germany for the Cities of Tomorrow series. She was selected by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation.
Eileen was chosen to co-chair the Search Committee to choose new Seattle City Light General Manager/Chief Executive Officer. On August 28, 2018, Mayor Durkan announced her selection of Debra Smith, Central Lincoln People’s Utility District General Manager.
Eileen was interviewed by KUOW reporter, Amy Radil, on what the City of Seattle can do to meet its goal to be carbon-neutral throughout all sectors, and was quoted as saying: "...it’s important for planners to ask how every big project will help the city achieve carbon neutrality."
Eileen was interviewed as a member of the Mayor's Transition Committee about Mayor Jenny Durkan's ideas to help Seattle meet ambitious carbon-emissions goals.
Eileen was chosen to serve on City of Seattle Mayor-Elect Jenny Durkan’s Transition Committee to help set Seattle’s environmental priorities for the Mayor's tenure.