Cristofer Maximilian

May 5, 2023: Net-Zero Northwest Project (Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee)

Eileen and Jeremy Hargreaves of Evolved Energy Research briefed the Board of the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee on the preliminary results from the Net-Zero Northwest project.

Jeremy Hargreaves

Technical Modeling Consultant
Jeremy is a Principal at Evolved Energy Research and an expert in energy systems analysis, focusing on least-cost electricity system planning and distributed energy resource evaluation. Jeremy’s consulting insights into long-term grid-scale and distributed resource planning challenges have helped utilities and investors navigate the prospect of a high renewable future while minimizing impacts to customers.

May 5, 2023: Net-Zero Northwest Project (Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee)

Eileen and Jeremy Hargreaves of Evolved Energy Research briefed the Board of the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee on the preliminary results from the Net-Zero Northwest project.

Jeremy Hargreaves

Technical Modeling Consultant
Jeremy is a Principal at Evolved Energy Research and an expert in energy systems analysis, focusing on least-cost electricity system planning and distributed energy resource evaluation. Jeremy’s consulting insights into long-term grid-scale and distributed resource planning challenges have helped utilities and investors navigate the prospect of a high renewable future while minimizing impacts to customers.
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