Clean Energy Transition Institute

Independent, nonpartisan research and analysis nonprofit dedicated to accelerating an equitable clean energy transition in the Northwest.

We use a systemic, economy-wide lens
to advance technical, economic, and equitable decarbonization solutions tailored to the landscape of the four Northwest states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.

Claiming Power: Stories of Rural Communities and Clean Energy

The Clean Energy Transition Institute is launching a storytelling initiative focused on Washington State’s rural communities.


Industrial Decarbonization

The Clean Energy Transition Institute has created two projects to explore the opportunities and challenges of industrial decarbonization. Industry, especially “heavy” industry that produces basic materials like metals, chemicals, and cement, tends to be highly carbon intensive.


Clean Energy and Northwest Rural Communities

The Clean Energy Transition Institute has created two projects to explore the development of clean energy in Northwest rural communities. These efforts seek to center and elevate rural voices in clean energy policy discussions, ensuring rural communities are full participants in defining the benefits and challenges of decarbonization.


Clean Materials Manufacturing

The Clean Materials Manufacturing project expanded upon that analysis for six manufacturing sectors—aluminum, concrete and cement, glass, iron and steel, pulp and paper, and wood products—to provide background material for Building Washington’s Clean Materials Manufacturing Economy.


Washington State Clean Materials Manufacturing Summit

In collaboration with Washington BlueGreen Alliance, the University of Washington’s Carbon Leadership Forum, and SEI US, the Clean Energy Transition is working to present a Clean Materials Manufacturing Summit in summer 2022.

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