Preserving a Way of Life
Preserving a Way of Life, the second short film in the Claiming Power series, shows how the path forward to a new energy future can be informed and strengthened by looking back, particularly for communities centered around traditional indigenous values.
This five-minute film highlights one component—renewable energy—of a larger, comprehensive vision, launched by the Lummi Nation’s Strategic Energy plan. The Lummi Nation is pursuing an energy future that encompasses economic opportunities, energy sovereignty, climate imperatives, and community resilience. Northwest Indian College, with its main campus at the Lummi Nation, is a key partner that is integrating educational opportunities in this strategic vision.
The Clean Energy Transition Institute thanks the Lummi Nation, Northwest Indian College, and Remote Energy for sharing their stories with us.
Primary photography for this story was filmed on the sovereign territory of the Lummi Nation. Additional photography, including wildlife, was filmed on the traditional and ancestral lands and waters of the Lummi Nation and other tribal nations of the Salish Sea. We recognize the vital role these nations play in their enduring care for and protection of the land and waters of this region.
Released on 3/7/2023.